The story is set two years after the events of Tekken 3 (where Jin Kazama, now possessed with the 'Devil gene', defeats the mysterious entity known as Ogre and disappears), as Heihachi Mishima forms a fourth King of Iron Fist Tournament to lure out both his son Kazuya (who survived being thrown into a volcano) and his grandson Jin, as both of them possess the 'Devil gene' necessary to splice with a sample of Ogre's blood to make Heihachi immortal. It also features other gameplay changes, some of which were removed in Tekken 5. Players can now use walls and other obstacles to juggle opponents for consecutive combos. The fourth main installment in the Tekken series, Tekken 4 introduces a significant gameplay change in the form of closed arenas (instead of the endless and open arenas of previous games).
Tekken 4 is a 3D fighting game developed and released by Namco for arcades (using PS2-based Namco System 246 hardware) on July 2001.