Climb the crates at the top to find the easter egg. Follow the vent up to a secret storage area. Go to the women's bathroom behind the reception and climb into the vent in the back right stall. Go to Kashue's office and swim in his pool, press a button on a panel on the middle piece to open the room opposite the holocom. The easter egg is in the slightly damaged crate. Go to the bar then turn right, going into the storage room to the right of the staircase. Open the right most locker and push the back wall of it down to reveal the egg. Go into the kitchen and follow the hallway to the lockers. Jump from the fence to the large containers and enter the hatch on the furthest. Go behind it and blow up the wall under the red cagelight.Ĭlimb the ladder behind the DXI entrance to enter the area behind the helipad. Go to PDX HQ and look right at the bus stop with Scara B. Go to the south east of the level and use the nearby trashcan and cardboard box to climb the wall opposite the police checkpoint, press the button to open the vent and enter it. The explosion will blow up the wooden wall at the end of the hallway, revealing the tribute to Phasmatis and the egg. Go to the basement and blow up the explosive container.